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This tour is perfect for you and your kids. Lots of fun, lots of sights to be seen, lots of great food...

Very special days for a very special family: yours

A visit to the King of Cute: Knut
It’s off to the zoo, and, afterwards, a rip-sticking feast! Knut the polar bear has quickly become the world’s best-loved animal. He is only one of the many attractions at Berlin’s world-famous, capacious zoo, which is especially kid-friendly. There’s a special area for the little people, in which they get to watch and pet their favorite animals and hear stories about them. All that animal-watching and petting works up a big appetite, so it’s off to a great Berlin restaurant and a family-sized meal.
For every member of the family

Treasure hunt
Use a centuries-old map to find your way to the treasures bequeathed to modern Berlin by centuries of kings and prelates. A special prize awaits you once you’ve found all of the treasures: a meal in one of the city’s best-loved restaurants. It is located in a historic vault.
For nine years and up